Monday, August 23, 2010

6 Week Body Makeover

So what comes with the six week body makeover? Check it out you get all the tools you need to help reshape your body in just six short weeks. Try it risk free!

Body Blueprinting Program
All the tools you need to Blueprint your body and create a Custom Eating Plan and 18-Minute Body Sculpting Routine designed specifically for your unique metabolism and problem areas – so you can START EATING MORE, EXERCISING LESS, AND SEE RESULTS RIGHT AWAY. And the simple video program will get you started in just minutes!

Custom Eating Plan
A day-by-day, meal-by-meal eating plan designed for your body which will show you how to eat more of the foods that will speed up your unique metabolism so you can LOSE ALL THE WEIGHT YOU WANT. Plus a dining out guide, dozens of recipes for delicious fat-burning meals, and other powerful tools that make it easy to eat to lose wherever you go.

Living Lean Program
Once you've made your body look exactly the way you want it to, the LIVING LEAN PROGRAM GIVES YOU ALL THE TOOLS AND MOTIVATION TO KEEP IT THAT WAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Including 3 CDs of Michael Thurmond's tips and tricks to make sure you keep the weight off.

Personalized 18-Minute Body Sculpting Program
Everything you need to create a customized 18 minute body sculpting program GUARANTEED TO GIVE YOU THE BODY YOU WANT. And with the Precision Body Sculpting Workout DVD and specially-designed Body Sculpting Band, you can makeover your body right in your own home.